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An automatic Mobile Workflow solution helps monitor performance levels.


The Challenge

Integrate an automatic Mobile Workflow solution to improve operational efficiency and cost effectiveness for maintenance repair work of local government housing for Canterbury County Council, replacing an existing manual paper based system.

The Solution

Mobile Workflow successfully manages jobs created through a new helpdesk website which processes tenant calls requesting repairs and transmits data to engineers in the field via GPRS. Helpdesk staff can instantly view current and future jobs assigned to engineers through the website and accurately allocate new jobs with complete transparency of engineer diaries. Engineers can remotely access job lists and instructions, capture signatures and photographs and accurately record materials used to complete a job for stock taking. 

The Result

A maintenance system with minimal paperwork and better utilised engineers, direct benefits to reducing costs and improving service levels. Data collection errors are eliminated through automatic data uploads via a range of handsets and time stamps enable effective monitoring of performance levels.

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