The Challenge
Integrate new pumps with control systems to the water treatment plant at Celsa’s melt shop located in Cardiff, where billets are produced for the rod and bar mill in the castle works, with an output of over 1.2million tonnes of reinforcing bar per year.
The Solution
GX installed two new pumps, doubling the water treatment’s pumping capacity. The new pumps are controlled by a Siemens S7-414 programmable logic controller and GX used existing code to ensure the newly fitted pumps mimicked the existing pumps. To operate and monitor the system, GX designed two SCADA workstations using Siemens WinCC SCADA package and these fully reflect the status and operation of the water treatment plant systems.
The Result
Seamless integration of two new pump control systems to work harmoniously with existing systems. Workstations at two new operator locations which were previously only monitored from a central point for the entire site, provide remote visual indications for fast engineer and operator response.